Empowering Women To Build A Better India

Durga Saptashti is an NGO that works for the betterment of underprivileged children in Dwarka. Our mission is to ensure every child has access to education, clothes, growth opportunities, and other basic necessities. Join us in our mission to bring smiles to their faces! Durga Saptashti NGO is working for the empowerment of women in Dwarka, India. We are a team of volunteers dedicated to making a positive difference in the lives of women in our community. At Durga Saptashti, we strive to provide women- access to resources and opportunities to help them grow and develop their skills. We also provide counselling and mentorship to help women become more independent and empowered. Our founder Sandhya Singh believes that when you empower a woman, you empower the entire community. That’s why we focus on providing access to free education opportunities, good health care, economic opportunities, and social support systems for women in Dwarka via awareness campaigns, self-defence classes,...