Child Education NGO in Dwarka- Durga Saptashti

Durga Saptashti foundation is a leading child education NGO based in Dwarka , Delhi. Every day we try to bridge the education gap among the underprivileged children in Delhi. We work as an after-school support group to bridge the educational & moral gap between these children and their affluent peers. If you wish to help, kindly visit our website to know more. BestNGODelhi NGOunderprivilegedchildren NGOunderprivilegedchildreneducationNCR NGOunderprivilegedchildreneducationDelhi NGOschoolsinDelhi NGOschoolsinNCR NGOschoolsinDelhi NGOgirlchildeducation NGOgirleducation DistributefoodNGO CelebratewithNGO Charityeducation onlinedonation NGOforChildEducation NGOforChildEducationdwarka covid19Donationdelhi NGOworkingonCOVID NGOworkingonCOVIDdelhi NGOdonationsforConornavirus coviddonationdelhi TopNGOsinDelhi DurgaSaptashtiNGOinDwarka BestFoodHealthNGOinDelhi NopeoplehungryngoinDwarka Nopeoplehungry ...